Unless you have gone through methamphetamine (meth) addiction, it’s hard to understand how it starts and how difficult it is to quit. Meth addiction sets in when your body has increased its tolerance and becomes dependent on the substance. Quitting is extremely difficult to do on your own, so seeking professional help at a treatment center like Aftermath Addiction Treatment Center is imperative. Meth is a psychoactive drug, which means it affects your mind and deepens the level of your addiction. You can become hooked on meth after only one or two uses.  The risks to your mind and body are both short-term and long-term. Users experience the high while using the drug but adverse effects once it wears off, which is why they keep going back for more. Often, this addiction leads to physical and psychological damage for the user that requires professional treatment. Our Aftermath Addiction Treatment Center team provides compassionate care for meth addiction treatment that can help you regain control of your life. 

What Is Meth? 

Crystal meth is an abbreviated term used to refer to the drug crystal methamphetamine. The white crystals that make up meth are most commonly ingested by snorting it through the nose. However, others may smoke or inject it for faster results. Once people try it, the desire to continue using meth is powerful. So, regardless of how they take meth, it is incredibly addictive. In fact, meth is so addictive because it stimulates the pleasure centers of the brain.  Unfortunately, meth has users of all ages. This dangerous, potent chemical acts as a stimulant but soon begins to affect the body negatively. It causes health issues such as memory loss, psychotic behavior, brain damage, and drastic mood swings. Additionally, meth burns up resources needed by your body for vital functions. 

Causes of Meth Addiction 

Addiction is a disease of the brain that really can’t be linked to one single factor. A variety of environmental triggers, heredity, and physical changes in the brain contribute to addiction. The most common causes associated with meth addiction include: 
  • Environmental – If you grow up around drug use, then you’re more likely to see it as an appropriate way to solve problems, and as a result, develop an addiction later in life. Using drugs at an early age also increases the risk that an individual will develop an addiction to drugs like meth. 
  • Genetic – Addiction is often considered a hereditary disease. People who develop an addiction to meth or other drugs often have a first-degree relative, such as a parent or sibling, who also struggles with addiction. 
  • Physical – Research shows that people can be born with a different structure and functioning of their brain and central nervous system, which can put them at a higher risk for developing an addiction to meth or other drugs. 

Treatment for Meth Addiction at Aftermath Addiction Treatment Center 

Your recovery from meth addiction begins in our drug detox programs. Trying to quit “cold turkey” can send your body into withdrawal with severe health consequences, including life-threatening withdrawal symptoms. Self-detox is also far more likely to lead to relapse. After detox, you can begin an effective meth addiction treatment program that focuses on lifelong recovery.  The meth addiction treatment program at Aftermath Addiction Treatment Center addresses the specific challenges faced by those dependent on methamphetamines. Our addiction specialists make a point of tailoring each treatment program to your individual needs. However, you must begin treatment right away. The sooner you start down the road to recovery, the better you will feel, and the sooner your body can heal. 

Make the Choice to End Your Meth Addiction Today 

Our addiction specialists provide expert care for individuals struggling with substance use disorders. Our goal is simple: to provide each of our clients with the tools they need to achieve long-term recovery.  When you enroll in any one of the programs at Aftermath Addiction Treatment Center, you are committing to sobriety. We are dedicated to holding up our end of the bargain by designing individualized substance abuse treatment programs that serve each client’s individual needs. 

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