
For many people, drug addiction accompanies other health problems. Many people feel surprised to learn they also need help for a mental health condition, such as depression, anxiety or a personality disorder. Through Co-Occurring Disorder Treatment Center, you receive the highest quality of treatment for all of your conditions at once. Call rehabs now to learn more about dual diagnosis treatment and the role this care provides in your recovery.

 Massachusetts Co-Occurring Disorder Treatment is one specifying your mental health and substance abuse treatment condition. Many people start abusing drugs or alcohol because these substances help them feel normal or more balanced as part of daily life. Anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, OCD, ADHD and a wide range of other mental conditions often lead people into self-medication. But stopping this self-medication becomes almost impossible without the right help.

About Co-Occurring Disorder Rehab Programs

The best Rehab Programs In Massachusetts should meet your mental, emotional and physical needs for recovery. Instead of focusing only on your substance abuse, this treatment helps you recover from your mental health problems, too. These two parts of your addiction intertwine and require detangling through qualified therapies and other treatment methods.

Many people suffer from conditions like anxiety, depression or OCD, but do not realize how those mental illnesses play a role in their substance abuse. In fact, an addiction assessment often first reveals these conditions.

Never fear a dual diagnosis. Knowing what shaped your addiction helps you get the quality treatment you need to put substance abuse and your mental health problems behind you. That is the very reason people go to rehab in the first place. So in many ways, learning that your feelings have a name and diagnosis opens more doors to true, lasting recovery.

Treatment Methods of Dual Diagnosis Rehab

In a Massachusetts dual diagnosis treatment center, you receive an array of therapies and other services designed to bring new stability, wellness and fulfillment to your life. This treatment often includes use of helpful medications that help you feel happier and more invested in your recovery. These medications possibly include anti-depressants, anti-anxiety medications or other proven medications.

Along with medication, you need multiple types of therapy to form a foundation for your recovery. These therapies include individual, group and family sessions. Individual therapy, also called talk therapy, is one-on-one with a qualified counselor. Group therapy involves your peers in treatment, while family therapy is among your closest loved ones.

Therapies like these help you understand why you abused drugs or alcohol. You also learn coping skills to prevent relapse and shape a brighter future. Key therapies of rehab include:

Behavioral therapies